We are back to show you some great stuff. IndieClub Eclectic Mix is here to introduce the best music, the soundtrack of this fall. October is coming, so, now matter how sad we are saying this, but indian summer is coming to an end. The weather is getting colder and sadder day by day, but remember the summer, think of the sparkling sky. Or go with the flow, immerse yourself in the fall, lay on the ground, on the fallen leaves. This season is so inspiring, and now everyone can be a rainy hipster, you can feel the NW feeling wherewer you are. Make some music and tell us what did you make. Or just suggest your current favorite artists. Send us an e-mail to indieclubhu@gmail.com. Be a part of it. It's your turn to set the trends.
IndieClub Eclectic Mix - 30.09.2011
2011.09.30. 12:36 indieclub
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